Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sunday Morning Long Run

So we were supposed to start at 6 AM but I got a msg from Jackie at about 5:30 Letting me know that she had just gotten home. (she partied all night)Jackie and her hubby were at her in laws house watching the fight and they decided to stay after her hubby having a few drinks and she was to tired to drive. We ended up starting our run at 7AM not bad considering the time change so we were really starting at 6. The first mile was very hard for me I had way to much to eat at the birthday party and I can't believe I'm going to blog about this but I am!! Sure enough the food kicked in and I had to go right away, there was no bathrooms in sight I panicked and went in an empty field trust me I had to or it would have been a lot worse. What a relieve you have no Idea how good it felt, I felt dirty but relieved. We got started with our run again and we stopped at a Mcdonald's so I can freshen up : ) We finally were able to get started and got into the flow we decided not to take any stretch breaks and just run without stopping. I was amazed that I was able to go for 8-9 miles non stop but we did it we even had our water and carbooms while running mile # 9. As soon as we finished Jackie brought me home and It was straight to the shower and then it was a delicious breakfast that included Pancakes, Bacon and eggs. That's the good thing about running even though I watch what I eat I can pretty much eat whatever I want and not worry about gaining any weight. So if any of you wants to loose a few LBS take on running and you wont regret it. After breakfast it was all about cleaning. Then some movies I finally watched Twilight and I was hooked I can't wait to watch the next one. For dinner I had a Costco pizza in the fridge and dinner was made and enjoyed. I was to tired to think about making a big dinner, and besides the kids enjoyed the pizza. After dinner I was off to bed I was to tired to even watch TV.

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